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X-Envelope-From: <>
X-Envelope-To: <>
X-Delivery-Time: 1089978759
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 13:52:01 +0200
Subject: From Johnson Bonida, Liberia
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id i6GBqcbE009394

Johnson Bonida
Amsterdam, Holland
Phone: +31 629124394

Dear Sir,

Though this mail may come to you as a surprise, but I believe that my proposal shall be accepted by you based of the reality of this transaction.

My names are Mac Johnson Bonida, I am the immediate young brother to Mrs Jewel Charles Taylor of war tored country, Liberia-westAfrica, who is the wife of (Mr Charles Taylor) former president of Liberia, now on political assylum in Nigeria..

After a peace deal in Ghana and the decission of steping down as Liberian President last year, my sister informed me of what need to be done in order to secure her properties that are no longer safe. She told me to meet her contact in Ivory Coast so as to arrange my journey to Eruope. She had made contact with a Security company to move a truck boxes containing $20,000,000.00 US Dollars, Twenty Million United State Dollars Only, and that the security company labeled the boxes which the funds are contained as boxes containing Africa artifacts which are a gift to her foreign partner.

Though she had not submitted any name of the foreign partner (consignee) pending when I can find a reliable person that will assist in this transaction. If you accept this offer, your details shall be forwarded to the office of the Security company in Africa as our foreign partner. As soon as this is done, all the arrengements had been concluded to move the boxes to their European office in Netherlands under diplomatic immunity

I am now in Europe and at this moment Netherlands in particular, but owing to what is happening in my country and my sister and her husband restricted movement in Nigera, my sister want this deal to be a confidential transaction, so she asked me to contact any partner who could stand as a beneficiary of this trunk boxes, so that when the boxes arrive Netherlands, you shall act as the beneficiary that will claim the the boxes the money will be channeled into good business investments with low risk.

She has agreed to give 20% of the total fund to you for assistance and moving of the fund to your private account in for the purpose of the investment. While 5% of the total fund will cover your expenses during this transaction, and another 5% for me. You can contact me if you are interested by my e-mail address or kindly call me on the above Netherlands telephone number, .

I would be glad if you can help me out to complete this transcation and transfer this fund into your private account. Please endeavour to keep this transaction as confidentail as possible because my Sister and her husband are still under political assylum in Nigeria and there movements and communications are being monitored by the government of both Nigeria and Liberia. Kindly, reply through my private email <

Your Sincerelly,

Mac Jonson Bonida AGB

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