Wie jetzt?
The occasion was a press conference with UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, which took place in the White House on 31 January 2003.
[Adam Boulton, Sky News (London):] One question for you both. Do you believe that there is a link between Saddam Hussein, a direct link, and the men who attacked on September the 11th?
THE PRESIDENT: I can't make that claim.
THE PRIME MINISTER: That answers your question.
Man vergleiche dies mit Aussagen jüngeren Datums.
Cheney wurde jetzt auch von der 9/11 Kommission für seine Aussagen angepfiffen.
(Quelle: The Memory Hole)
The occasion was a press conference with UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, which took place in the White House on 31 January 2003.
[Adam Boulton, Sky News (London):] One question for you both. Do you believe that there is a link between Saddam Hussein, a direct link, and the men who attacked on September the 11th?
THE PRESIDENT: I can't make that claim.
THE PRIME MINISTER: That answers your question.
Man vergleiche dies mit Aussagen jüngeren Datums.
Cheney wurde jetzt auch von der 9/11 Kommission für seine Aussagen angepfiffen.
(Quelle: The Memory Hole)